The public is invited to participate in a free event at Breckenridge Park in San Antonio to celebrate World Taichi Day, 10 a.m. to noon, Saturday, April 27, 2024. Everyone will have a chance to join in and follow along with qigong and taichi exrcises; no experience is necessary. After the public group practice, local qigong and taichi schools will provide a series of demonstrations of various taichi forms.
Celebrated for the past 25 years, World Tai Chi Day is a global event conducted the last Saturday of April to promote the disciplines and benefits of qigong and taichi. This event brings people together across economic and geopolitical lines -- from all walks of life -- to celebrate health and well-being. Hundreds of cities in more than 80 countries all practice at 10 a.m. local time, essentially encircling the globe that day with the good vibes and essential energy (known as chi).
The San Antonio event will be held in the open fields directly behind the the Lambert Beach Softball Field at 531 Breckenridge Way. Along with your curiosity and enthusiasm for qigong and taichi, bring lawn chairs or blankets, sunscreen and water. Everyone is welcome to stay after the event to visit together and make new friends, so feel free to bring snacks or a picnic lunch. Check the weather before you come -- the event will be cancelled if it's raining.